At the very beginning, we wanted out first brew to be a craft beer with decent taste.
So what would be our first bottle?
First, we wanted to make a beer with Chinese characteristics. Second, we wanted to make a popular and widely acceptable beer for everyone.
Finally, we thought of honey. Honey often reminds people of sweet and delightful things. Also, there has been the tradition of adding honey to beer since ancient times, and until now honey beer is still very popular.
There was another catalyst for our first brew. As President Barack Obama moved in to the White House, his very first demand was to add brewing equipment to the kitchen, and the first beer was made is called White House Honey Ale. There’s been a constant trend of amending and making new beer among brewers after the release of recipe.
白宫花园里的蜜我们是偷不了了,但我们用的是中国最特别的由中华蜂采集的百花蜜。这种蜜现在变得越来越稀少,因为擅采百花蜜的中华蜂在意大利蜂的入侵下,已经大量减少,只占蜂农总用蜂量的 30%。为了表示对生态保护的支持,我们坚持向使用中华蜂采蜜的蜂农们收购优质的百花蜜。我们还酿出了与常见的琥珀色不同的酒体颜色,偏红的琥珀色。
Obviously there is noway to steal honey from the White House, instead we add secret ingredients to make ours unique—mixed nectar collected by China Bee. This particular honey is becoming increasingly scarce. The number of Apis cerana is severely depleted by the invasive Apis mellifera ligustica, accounting for only 30% of the total bees raised by beekeepers. For the sake of ecological protection, we insist on the purchase of high-quality nectar from beekeepers that raise China Bee. Our Honey ale has a unique amber color.
Earlier in time, we name it ‘Oriental Red Honey Ale’ in light of its amber red color. At that time, we didn’t even have a designer, so Pan Dinghao had to be play two roles — chief brewer as well as designer. He designed the label for couple days and got a pattern of a seal with character ‘正红(Oriental Red)’ written in Chinese official script. He felt anxious after sending it to the printers, worrying that this label would not be a hit. He urgently called for stop as the printers had already done one-third of the work. Then he spent 20 minutes to draw a new bottle label — eyes, panda nose, as well as the panda eyes.
Just as he expected, the honey ale in bottle with the panda eye label became famous overnight.And it becomes one of best selling PandaBrew beer on the market.