

企业会员 第3年 认证企业 诚信商家



As founders of Panda Brew, we were more of two outsiders at the very beginning, knowing nothing about brewing. If we had to see the difficulty, we would definitely not start at all.


However, the less wit, the more courage. We just got to crack on it.

13 年我们决定不仅仅在我们的门店里酿精酿啤酒,我们还要做瓶装。那时候我们问遍了国内所有玻璃瓶的供应商才发现,玻璃瓶都是最少五百万个起订的。瓶盖本来一个也就 0.1 分钱,但你一个的订单必须是四五千万个。我们那时才三四个人,在一个小破办公室里面,办公桌都是自己搭的,瓶贴设计也是自己两分钟随手画的。我们把所有钱都压在了第一批瓶装酒上了。别看就是那么一小批量,我们多花了几倍的成本,而且还是跪求各家供应商才做出来的。

In 2013, not content with just offering craft beer in store, we decided to make bottled beer. At that time, the minimum order quantity for glass bottle of all suppliers we asked was five million, regardless of the fact that 1000 caps cost only 1 yuan. Our team had only three to four people, working in a small shabby office with desks set up by ourselves. The bottle label was designed curtly in minutes by ourselves. We put all money on the label of our first bottle. It took us several fold costs and time to request suppliers to produce that small batch of bottles.

但也正是因为那第一批酒,我们成为了中国第一波做精酿啤酒的,也赶上了精酿啤酒增长最快的时期,两年内就成为了这个行业里的第一,17 年我们就是第二名的三倍第三名的十倍了。现在更是远远甩出精酿里的其它品牌。无知就是我们最大的优势,是无知让我们做了内行都不敢做的事情,而且我们也越做越好。

Because of that batch that we became the very first group people in China who made craft beer. We were also lucky to have caught up with the time when craft beer enjoyed rapid advancement and thus topping the industry within two years. We are now far exceeding other brands in the industry. The less wit we have, the more courage we own. Thanks to our bold action of doing things which others dare not to do, we are now getting better.


To get cracking doesn’t mean to be ruthless, but rather a bold move followed with reflections afterward.


This is an era when cream always rises to the top. Whenever someone gives you a good chance, seize it! Don’t mind whether or not you can make it, just get cracking on it!


Think back to the difficulties we’ve met on the way of making craft beer, I sometimes wonder: are we forced to do this?

并不是。我做熊猫精酿之前,十年前我就年薪百万了。联合创始人潘丁浩,他从加拿大留学回来,家里可是有矿可以去继承的,但他不满足做一个富二代。我们李志刚总,30 岁就拿到了金饭碗,当时是人民银行最年轻的干部,稳稳当当可以一辈子。包括老卢,人在湖南的餐饮圈也是赫赫有名的小巨子,自己创业的几个餐饮品牌现在还是长沙响当当的金招牌。

No. Ten years ago, I’ve already earned more than a million before Panda Brew was founded. My co-founder Pan Dinghao who came back from Canada, was the kind with deeper pockets but had great aspirations. Our COO, Li Zhigang, got his well-paid job at age of 30, who was the youngest cadre of the People’s Bank of China and would have lived a stable life. Our CCO Lu Min, was a big shot in Hunan’s dining industry who carved out several restaurant and beverage brands that are still renowned in Changsha.


Why did we start brewing while we were all thriving on our own businesses? We were unwilling to embrace the status quo.


Life is too short. It is only meaningful when interesting people gathered to do interesting things.


Just get cracking on something!


公司名称: 熊猫精酿(安顺)酒业有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 贵州/安顺市 公司规模: 100-499人
注册资本: 12000万人民币 注册年份: 2017
资料认证:        企业资料通过认证
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 贸易商
经营范围: 法律、法规、国务院决定规定禁止的不得经营;法律、法规、国务院决定规定应当许可(审批)的,经审批机关批准后凭许可(审批)文件经营;法律、法规、国务院决定规定无需许可(审批)的,市场主体自主选择经营。(酒的生产、销售;饮料的生产、销售;预包装食品、散装食品、计算机硬件、软件销售及进出口业务;会议、观光旅游服务;知识产权代理;电子商务服务。
酒类 / 啤酒


